Wednesday, April 17, 2013

..the orbs of Muzdalifah..

..Pic 1..Haram..taken by Nik Faris with his budget digital camera..

....I really do not know what they were...the first time I was shown them was by a young 'tahfiz,' Nik Faris,  who was there with his mother...he had taken some shots around Makkah and Muzdalifah with his budget digital camera...thinking that there was some defects in his camera...he had shown it to his mother.. and later, to me as we get to know each other better....but by then, we were well on our way to Madinah...

Pic 2....Muzdalifah...taken with the same camera..
..I thought they were caused by dust was very dusty around the holy city of Makkah..but as I searched the web for reports of similar orbs when back in Malaysia, it became evident that such orbs caught on digital camera was a common occurrence... I came across a Dr  Klaus Heinemann...and article on him can be read here...

..Pic 3...Nabawi Mosque, Medinah....taken with Sony Ericsson 
Xperia  with flash.. Madinah, we tried again taking night shots around Nabawi Mosque, this time with a Sony Ericsson Xperia smartphone...with flash on manual  we took pic 3 and pic 4...we marveled at the orbs..not able to explain it but not totally dismissing them either...

Pic 4...pic taken a few seconds later by pakmat...
..pakmat even took a shot of a roommate, Haji Rasit, as he was reading the Quran in our hotel room, and got this picture of him with  a small orb seemingly floating next to him...Pic 5..

Pic 5...shot taken by pakmat in our hotel room,
Al-Haram, Medina..

..Pic 6...the sky over Nabawi..pic taken by Pakmat..
..intrigue, pakmat searched the web for other images...and found the following pictures...all with orbs in them...there were no mention of it by the owners...perhaps they dismissed them as just a quirky display of light...

..Pic 7...pakmat searched the web and found this picture..

..Pic 8...and this...

...Pic 9..and this of Nabawi..

..Pic 10..and this...

..Pic 11 .pic taken by wife with pakmat's handphone, HTC Aria.. orbs..

..Pic 12...taken by pakmat with HTC orbs..

..that I have created jinns and men that they may served Me...surah Az Zariyat

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