.at fifty-two, my wife's menstrual cycle is anything but regular..even though, generally, it keeps to its lunar cycle, its coming and going is beyond prediction, sometimes after two weeks and sometimes for forty days...she has long given up marking on a wall calender its coming and going...content just to let it runs its course, used as it is to its unpredictability...and pakmat learns to to adjust his needs likewise, taking his cue from her non-solat days...
..when we took our flight for Jeddah on the 16th of October, her period had just ended two weeks earlier..by any reckoning it should rear its head again anytime soon or maybe within the next three to four weeks...to my mind, she must have been worried...and to my mind, she must be prepared for all eventualities...
..but unbeknown to me, she has made discreet enquiries about it...listened to 'ceramah' by ustazah's about it..and had made her decision about her course of actions...
..she decided against preventives pills and such....she decided to plead with her Lord....her Maker...
...henceforth her every solat and prayer ends with a doa...that the Lord delays her menstruation...that she may do His Biddings and the haj unhindered...her faith was absolute....the Lord listens.....
...ten days after our return on the 30th of November, it has still to show signs of coming...no pain in the tits...no hot flushes...and pakmat got worried....sheesh...its a bit late for pakmat to cradle a baby...you sure you are not pregnant?......maybe a urine test would be in order...she laughed it off...and on the 16th it came...and pakmat sigh a sigh of relieve...Praise be unto Allah...
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